This artistic short film marks 120 years since Edgar Evans from Rhossili set sail on the Discovery with Captain Scott on his first Antarctic expedition. The poetic film, voiced by Welsh singer Cerys Matthews, is inspired by their voyage ...See moreThis artistic short film marks 120 years since Edgar Evans from Rhossili set sail on the Discovery with Captain Scott on his first Antarctic expedition. The poetic film, voiced by Welsh singer Cerys Matthews, is inspired by their voyage and the current plight of the great white continent. With Antarctica at a perilous tipping point as a result of climate change, the film questions and challenges the detrimental impact of our human actions on the environment. A unique collaboration by Welsh film-maker Simon Clode and interdisciplinary artist Marc Rees, Isostasy is a reflection on the shared history and future of our planet. It features rare artefacts from Swansea Museum, field recordings by David Attenborough's sound recordist Chris Watson, and the words of celebrated writer and whale expert Philip Hoare. Written by
Simon Clode
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