El Shreet el Ahmr (The red band society)'s primary photo
  • El Shreet el Ahmr (The red band society) (2018–2018)
  • TV Series | Drama
El Shreet el Ahmr (The red band society) (2018–2018)
TV Series | Drama

The red band society is a TV series about six kids aged between 11 and 18 years old who meet in a children's cancer hospital. In contrast to the usual hospital series, the show puts the role of the doctors to one side and gives the ...See moreThe red band society is a TV series about six kids aged between 11 and 18 years old who meet in a children's cancer hospital. In contrast to the usual hospital series, the show puts the role of the doctors to one side and gives the protagonism to the day to day lives of the children; a subject which is treated with humor and tenderness. The series shows how the children deal with their lives inside the hospital and how their situation affects the lives of those around them - their families, doctors, friends - The six protagonists face similar problems and situations to those of any kids their age, except that their world is the hospital and so their experiences are lived with a special kind of intensity. The series has been shot in a vitalistic tone that far from being sad, gives the viewer a sense of happiness, will to live and strength to overcome the problems that its characters possess. See less
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Edit Released
Updated Feb 1, 2018

Release date (First episode)
May 16, 2018 (United Arab Emirates)


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