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  • The Counselor (2022)
  • Adventure, Crime, Mystery
Primary photo for The Counselor
The Counselor (2022)
Adventure, Crime, Mystery

Anyone that works for the community and the public interest whether it is a political figure, a Lawyer that is working delinquently to protect innocent people from injustice in courts, a caregiver that is standing for others in need in ...See moreAnyone that works for the community and the public interest whether it is a political figure, a Lawyer that is working delinquently to protect innocent people from injustice in courts, a caregiver that is standing for others in need in order to provide care as well as assisting them in a daily basis have an obligation to follow strict guidelines and being focused to the well-being of other people neglecting several times to prioritize their own essential needs. The Counselor is a film about a honest caring therapist that has been determined to heal his patients from their burdens until they finally see that there is hope and their life can change for the best despite what their going through. For The Counselor accomplishing such a goal became the main purpose in his life. But there is always something that you have to sacrifice in a cruel word with so many temptations. This is the moments that our true colors are revealed just as a reflection in a broken mirror. The Counselor is a movie that portrays the relationship between a therapist that he lived most of the years of his life believing that he excelled in his work helping others and falsely always announcing his work related accomplishments so he can feel validated and credited as needed. In reality he was deceiving his own self. Counselor is changing into a borderline personality, a delusional con artist is taking over his body and that is his new identity that he can't let go. Constantly manipulating his patients and working only for personal gain. His transformation is causing the death of many. The Counselor is seeking nothing else but Materialistic Prosperity quoting several times even verses from the Holy Bible. His angelic presence and unique approach is still the main reason of being able to gain a strong trust from his clientele. Many are starting careers with the best intentions in terms of developing and using skills for the helping and provide for people in need just like a Humanitarian does because he feels the pain, struggles and suffering from others. For the weakened in spirit and in a short period of time many are losing their identity as they were starting a career in their respective fields. The past reveals to them that they were never able to see their true colors because they find an identity that is satisfying their personal needs. Spiritual prosperity sounds like something that they don't need because depending on themselves is justifying God's absence from their lives but still they will always claim God in front of weak people for as long that their needs can be served. Being prosper in Spirit and disengage from any materialistic desires that dehumanizing us. The movie's ending is really the climax surprisingly as it may seems. There is an alternate ending and the audience has the option to choose each one of them if they desire too. Written by Krystalis Manos See less
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Release date
2022 (United States)


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1 cast member
Name Known for
Manos Krystalis
Timothy Timothy   See fewer
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