Directed by Ivan Olita, and produced by BRAVĂ’, "Glow" is a short film surrounding Morohoshi San, the legendary icon of Japanese custom-cars culture and an everlasting fixture of the street-racing scene. The film, shot in Tokyo solely under...See moreDirected by Ivan Olita, and produced by BRAVĂ’, "Glow" is a short film surrounding Morohoshi San, the legendary icon of Japanese custom-cars culture and an everlasting fixture of the street-racing scene. The film, shot in Tokyo solely under the night sky, premiered exclusively on Nowness and delves into the life and myth of its protagonist. By mixing Japanese dedication, laser focus, and western consumerism, Morohoshi's character is the embodiment of "obsession". But cars have a deeper meaning for him, one that could only be understood trough shinto philosophy.
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