Malcolm and The Magpies is British Comedy based around a bunch of good hearted bank robbers. Malcolm, a store manager is a disapointment to his family as he has failed to follow in his parents footsteps by continueing the family tradition ...See moreMalcolm and The Magpies is British Comedy based around a bunch of good hearted bank robbers. Malcolm, a store manager is a disapointment to his family as he has failed to follow in his parents footsteps by continueing the family tradition and becoming a bank robber. Malcomes father who is doing a ten year stretch has asked his best mate Spud to keep an eye on Malcolm and take him under his wing. Spud and his best friend Ox are seasoned bank robbers, Malcolm is keen to join them and be one of the lads, do his first job and make his parents proud. Unfortunatly for Malcolm he doesn't always get things right. We join Malcolm ,Ox, and Spud in this clip as they meet the Magpies 'Sweetheart and Bert!' Malcolm has heard of a Jag forsale, an ideal getaway car for a job Ox and Spud have been planning, however yet again it doesn't go to plan for Malcolm. Written by
Philip Lee DeightonMaw
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