Pathé News, No. 47's primary photo
  • Pathé News, No. 47 (1916)
  • Short | Short, News
Primary photo for Pathé News, No. 47
Pathé News, No. 47 (1916)
Short | Short, News

Chicago, Ill: Delegates to the Republican National Convention carry the Stars and Stripes as they march to the Coliseum to symbolize their stand for Americanism and Preparedness. Subtitles: Senator Warren Harding, temporary chairman of the...See moreChicago, Ill: Delegates to the Republican National Convention carry the Stars and Stripes as they march to the Coliseum to symbolize their stand for Americanism and Preparedness. Subtitles: Senator Warren Harding, temporary chairman of the convention. Boies Penrose, of Pennsylvania, one of the controlling powers. William J. Bryan also attends in the role of a scribe. Thousands of Suffragettes parade in front of the Coliseum while the convention sits, to urge a platform plank for woman suffrage. London, England: With five million men in the ranks of the army, many women are being employed in workshop and factory. Subtitle: Much female labor is employed in the military clothing factories. Poughkeepsie, N.Y: Two hundred and fifty girls get their academic degree at Vassar's fiftieth commencement. Subtitle: In honor of the departing graduates the sophomores form the human symbol of the college. Dublin, Ireland: Troops still guard the Irish Capital to prevent any further uprising of the Sinn Fein revolutionists. Subtitles: "Liberty Hall," the former headquarters of the founders of the "Irish" Republic, which is closely watched. Sackville Street, which was left in ruins by the revolutionists. New York City: Coney Island welcomes two thousand orphan children, who are given a grand outing in the country's noted pleasure resort. Subtitle: Their playful hearts are content as they chute the chutes and sail merrily round in Gyroscope aeroplanes. Columbus, N.M: A new type of machine gun mounted on a motorcycle is added to the equipment of the U.S. Army along the border. San Francisco, Cal: The crew of the U.S.S. Oregon honors the memory of their comrades who have given their lives in the service of their country. Subtitle: The Stars and Stripes will e'er keep watch o'er their watery graves. West Point, N.Y: Western delegates to the National Convention of Women's Clubs complete their trip to the East with a visit to the Country's Military School. Subtitle: They watch the cadets in their daily parade. Boise, Idaho: After years of ceaseless effort the U.S. Reclamation Service has finished the Arrow Rock Dam, at a cost of $3,000,000. Subtitle: The spillway is 150 feet, the highest in the world. Aberdeen, Wash: A local auto enthusiast shows how to make his car do double duty by hitching its engine up to the propeller of a boat. Subtitle: The boat makes eight knots an hour. St. Louis, Mo: This city also responds to the national call for Preparedness, and thousands of patriotic citizens march in a great parade. Subtitle: Mr. Busch drives a team of Shetland ponies. City employees carry a mammoth flag. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less
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Edit Released
Updated Jun 10, 1916

Release date
Jun 10, 1916 (United States)


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