In the frigid Arctic of Baffin Bay a sensitive biodiversity exists that the legendary Narwhal calls home. In this remote and forbidding environment, drastically changing due to global warming, the Inuit that depend upon hunting the narwhal...See moreIn the frigid Arctic of Baffin Bay a sensitive biodiversity exists that the legendary Narwhal calls home. In this remote and forbidding environment, drastically changing due to global warming, the Inuit that depend upon hunting the narwhal for their existence are battling against big oil exploration that uses seismic cannons that threaten to destroy the marine ecosystem. The small Inuit hamlet of Clyde River, led by their conservation minded Mayor Jerry Natanine and his narwhal hunting cousin Sandy Kautuq, are championing the future of the narwhal by fighting the Canadian government for their ancient rights. But this summer the survey ships, with their deadly cannons, will begin blasting the waters of Baffin Bay with ear-splitting noises in their search for Arctic oil. Jerry must rally Sandy and his community, as well as the world, to the aide of the narwhal before it's too late for the hamlet's survival, and the ancient narwhal becomes a myth. Written by
Ian Q. Rowan
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