"Jackrabbit" follows Thomas Alexander "T.A." Diamond, a coal miner in 1920s Utah, who hides an injury and the devastating loss of his job from his family, clinging to the last shreds of dignity as he pretends to still be working. But as ...See more"Jackrabbit" follows Thomas Alexander "T.A." Diamond, a coal miner in 1920s Utah, who hides an injury and the devastating loss of his job from his family, clinging to the last shreds of dignity as he pretends to still be working. But as the pressure of his secret mounts and the threat of poverty looms closer, fate deals him an even crueler hand. A bleak, slow-burning tale of deception, desperation, and the unraveling of a man on the edge, Jackrabbit explores the crushing weight of pride and misfortune in the unforgiving landscape of the American West.
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