SMOKE is a story of brutality, redemption, and the desolate landscape intrinsic to both. It is late summer in the rural community of Krafton, fire season, the air thick with heat and soot. Fifteen-year-old Vernon wakes in the early dawn to...See moreSMOKE is a story of brutality, redemption, and the desolate landscape intrinsic to both. It is late summer in the rural community of Krafton, fire season, the air thick with heat and soot. Fifteen-year-old Vernon wakes in the early dawn to discover his father at his window; wounded, filthy, and blood-stained. He orders Vernon to dress quietly and quickly, then leads him miles into the woods where he has dragged the body of a stranger he confesses to killing in self-defense the night before. Together, father and son set out to dispose of the body, and to make sense of the violence that has occurred, and that which is yet to come. Written by
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