Mobarak OnLine's primary photo
  • Mobarak OnLine (2020)
  • Short | Short, Fantasy
Mobarak OnLine (2020)
Short | Short, Fantasy

As the Covid-19 pandemic sweeps the world, the Iranian people face an unusual coincidence: the ancient festival of Nowruz, marking the Persian New Year, coincides with a nationwide lock down. In this moment of crisis, i am as a filmmaker ...See moreAs the Covid-19 pandemic sweeps the world, the Iranian people face an unusual coincidence: the ancient festival of Nowruz, marking the Persian New Year, coincides with a nationwide lock down. In this moment of crisis, i am as a filmmaker turn to the legend of Mobarak, a mythical figure who emerges in the streets at the start of every year to announce the arrival of Nowruz. Mobarak is a thin, black-faced man who dances, sings, and performs stunts to the delight of the crowds. Every year, poor people dress up as Mobarak to earn money in the first days of the year. But this year is different. With the pandemic raging, Mobarak must find new ways to celebrate Nowruz and honor Persian traditions while also protecting people from the virus. Against this backdrop, the film follows the story of Mobarak as he navigate the challenges of the pandemic and find new way to spread joy and hope to the people of Iran. Through his struggles, the film explores themes of resilience, community, and the power of tradition in times of crisis. Nima Bank and his crew have creating the first film in Iran related to the Covid-19 in 2020 pandemic. As the virus swept through the country, forcing many businesses to close and people to stay at home, the filmmakers saw an opportunity to capture this unique moment in history on film. Despite the challenges of filming during a pandemic, the crew worked tirelessly to bring their vision to life. The resulting film was released in cyberspace, allowing audiences to watch it safely from their homes. The film was met with great enthusiasm and appreciation from the Iranian people, who were eager to see their experiences during the pandemic reflected on screen. Written by Nima Bank See less
Nima Bank (directed by)
Rooholah Ansari (editing)

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Edit Released
Updated Mar 19, 2020

Release date
Mar 19, 2020 (Iran)


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1 cast member
Name Known for
Mahmoud Basiri
Mobarak Mobarak   See fewer
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