Bunny Bop! is a new preschool series created by Cheryl Wagner, the Emmy Award winning creator of The Big Comfy Couch. Bunny Bop! features preschool kids (in bunny suits) at organic play in a magical Bunny Garden. Solo or in groups, the ...See moreBunny Bop! is a new preschool series created by Cheryl Wagner, the Emmy Award winning creator of The Big Comfy Couch. Bunny Bop! features preschool kids (in bunny suits) at organic play in a magical Bunny Garden. Solo or in groups, the bunnyboppers learn about their world through play, movement and song. When it's story time, the garden comes alive with the antics of Buddy Bunny, a bouncy rabbit puppet and his friends, Posey the Caterpillar and Beep the Butterfly. Written by
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