'Inflatable Rapture' is a dark comedy that pits religious faith against benevolent self-interest. An adopted preacher's daughter with college aspirations, the contumacious Victoria, is bound to take care of her father, Paul. He was made an...See more'Inflatable Rapture' is a dark comedy that pits religious faith against benevolent self-interest. An adopted preacher's daughter with college aspirations, the contumacious Victoria, is bound to take care of her father, Paul. He was made an invalid by an accident she may have ignited. He has been succeeded by Lester, a lecherous holy-roller with his own agenda, who infests Victoria's world. Victoria must decide to overcome her guilt or forever be indentured to Lester's designs for an all-girls' school. Two versions of reality grind against each other in this story about a young woman's struggle with an ideology she finds increasingly malignant. Written by
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