The Infernal Machine's primary photo
  • The Infernal Machine (1909)
  • Short | Short, Comedy
Primary photo for The Infernal Machine
The Infernal Machine (1909)
Short | Short, Comedy

A banker is sitting in his private office when a crank enters and quickly closes the door behind him. He places a package, which he carries, on the banker's desk, draws a paper mysteriously from his pocket and begins to explain some ...See moreA banker is sitting in his private office when a crank enters and quickly closes the door behind him. He places a package, which he carries, on the banker's desk, draws a paper mysteriously from his pocket and begins to explain some wildcat scheme. The banker is speechless with amazement, rings for the porter, who ejects the intruder. The banker picks up the morning paper and the first article he reads is one telling of a dangerous crank at large who carries au infernal machine set to go off at 2 o'clock. In terror he inspects the package on his desk and decides to get rid of it without notifying anyone. He stops a minute to leave a message with the teller, then hastily leaves the bank. Two crooks observe his departure and his nervousness, think that he has something valuable in the package and follow, hoping for a chance to hold him up. At the same time a woman comes from a house on the opposite side of the street, carrying a package the exact counterpart of the one carried by the banker. She forgets something, re-enters the house, leaving her package on the steps. The crooks cross the street, steal the package and hurry after the banker. It wants but 15 minutes to 2 o'clock, and the terrified man boards a car for the suburbs. He is driven almost frantic as the different passengers bump into the package carelessly, finally arrives at a lonely spot in the outskirts where he decides to leave the infernal machine. He looks about, there is no one in sight, so places the box in a vacant lot and hurries away. At a safe distance he turns and looks back, and to his horror sees several children with the package he has just dropped. He yells at them, but they pay no attention and have just opened the package as he reaches them. To his surprise he finds the box filled with delicious fruit. He is overjoyed at this unexpected termination and starts for his office, after giving the children a few pennies. Meantime the two crooks come from the woods carrying the infernal machine still wrapped up. They sit down, start to open it, when it explodes, and the two men disappear in the clouds. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less
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Edit Released
Updated May 11, 1909

Release date
May 11, 1909 (United States)


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