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  • Zoo (2010)
  • 84 min | Action, Comedy, Drama
Zoo (2010)
84 min | Action, Comedy, Drama

Lan has a deep interest towards animals. He coincidentally got a job in the zoo after being interviewed. The story of Lan with the animals began where he worked as security guard. Many of the guards there quit after working for a night. ...See moreLan has a deep interest towards animals. He coincidentally got a job in the zoo after being interviewed. The story of Lan with the animals began where he worked as security guard. Many of the guards there quit after working for a night. They accused that all the animals can talk. Many hilarious incidents occurred during his first night there. Lan saw with his own eyes the animals talking and approaching him. Lan told everything to Shila, Mr. Din, and Osman but they didn't believe him. Osman is good at buttering up Mr. Din. One day, there was a fuss about the missing of some exotic animals. Osman accused Lan ganged up with the culprit and stole those animals. Lan asked for help from the animals to prove that he's innocent. From his investigation with the other animals, they found out that the syndicate was being led by Rain, assisted by Bad had smuggled out those animal from the zoo with the help from someone in the inside. See less
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Edit Released
Updated Jul 1, 2010

Release date
Jul 1, 2010 (Malaysia)


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