The Airship Gaze's primary photo
  • The Airship Gaze (1910)
  • Short | Short, Comedy
Primary photo for The Airship Gaze
The Airship Gaze (1910)
Short | Short, Comedy

An aviator, is seen starting his machine for a flight through the heavens. A twist or two at the propeller and the buoyant bird-machine goes speeding off into the sky. Higher and higher he flies until he becomes n mere speck against the ...See moreAn aviator, is seen starting his machine for a flight through the heavens. A twist or two at the propeller and the buoyant bird-machine goes speeding off into the sky. Higher and higher he flies until he becomes n mere speck against the azure sky. Then, gracefully, he floats down and performs a few gyroscopic stunts to interest the observers. We return now to the crowd who are gazing up at the airship. A man carrying a ladder upsets another ladder, with its burden of painter, paint can, et al. A farmer with a pitchfork, watching the heavenly visitor, runs into an open-mouthed Chinaman, who is also consumed with curiosity. A chap with a high hat bumps accidentally into a lady. The hat is smashed and complications follow. A negro scrub woman is upset by a "gazer," who overturns her tub. He gets not only a soaking but a vigorous drubbing from the exasperated colored lady. A policeman, who is watching to see if the aviator is breaking the speed limit, is the prey of a clever pickpocket. A milkman becomes so absorbed in watching the aeroplane that a tramp steals his milk can. A chimney sweep bumps into a miller and the result is a fight in which considerable soot and breadstuff is scattered over the pavement. And the aviator continues to cut didos in the air, utterly unaware of the terrible accidents which he is causing on earth below. But finally he tires of his sport and gently soars toward the ground. When he alights an enthusiastic crowd gathers about him, hoists him on their shoulders and carries him out of view. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less
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Edit Released
Updated Mar 26, 1910

Release date
Mar 26, 1910 (United States)


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