Claim's primary photo
  • Claim (2007)
  • Video | 17 min | Short, Comedy, Family
Primary photo for Claim
Claim (2007)
Video | 17 min | Short, Comedy, Family

A married couple decides to separate while their young son attends an art class in a nearby building. James and Patricia are an unremarkable couple. They fell in love, got married, bought a house and had a child. They sit silently in their...See moreA married couple decides to separate while their young son attends an art class in a nearby building. James and Patricia are an unremarkable couple. They fell in love, got married, bought a house and had a child. They sit silently in their car keeping secrets as a means to counter the burden of their married life. From a dull conversation emerges a hurtful argument and the two are at a loss to explain any reason to stay together. As the argument peaks, their seven-year-old son suddenly appears with a curious set of drawings which make James and Patricia wonder why they would ever want to be apart. Written by Anonymous See less
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