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  • Urban Legends Lost & Found (Season 2, Episode 10)
  • TV Episode | Crime, Drama, Fantasy

Urban Legends

Lost & Found (Season 2, Episode 10)
TV Episode | Crime, Drama, Fantasy

'Killer Outfit'/'Uncanny situation'/'Unnatural cravings'. Mimi gets an invite to a prom, but first she needs to visit a deceased neighbour in a funeral home. She notices a young woman, Marla, in a coffin, wearing a dress she wants for the ...See more'Killer Outfit'/'Uncanny situation'/'Unnatural cravings'. Mimi gets an invite to a prom, but first she needs to visit a deceased neighbour in a funeral home. She notices a young woman, Marla, in a coffin, wearing a dress she wants for the prom, so she swaps her dress with the one on the dead body. After putting on the dress she start to feel dizzy and faint then falls to the floor in a deathly state, yet at the same time the 'corpse' in the coffin is suddenly revived. Was a chemical Marla spilled on herself in her lab responsible for her apparent death and Mimi's apparent demise?; A wife keeps a valuable jewellery collection in an unusual place, a miniature safe disguised as a can of soup. When she goes to look out some jewellery pieces the can is nowhere to be found. Four days earlier the husband had given a charitable donation of canned goods but had no idea that one of the cans was the safe. Despite their best efforts the can could never be traced.; A dying woman receives a heart and lung transplant, but after the operation she started to crave beer and chicken nuggets,and other things she would never have wanted before the operation. She also has a dream about a young man being her boyfriend. She thinks the man in her dream was her donor so she and her daughter set out to track down his parents. When they meet she realises that the young man's tastes had been transferred to her via the operation. Written by EdinaJambo See less
Edit Released
Updated Feb 13, 2009

Release date
Feb 13, 2009 (Canada)


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