18 Vayasu Puyale's primary photo
  • 18 Vayasu Puyale (2007)
  • 110 min | Drama
Primary photo for 18 Vayasu Puyale
18 Vayasu Puyale (2007)
110 min | Drama

The storyline revolves around Surya (Ajay Pradeep), a college dropout and good-for-nothing guy. Surya is from a middle-class family and lives with his father Ramakrishnan (Rajesh), mother Seetha (Fathima Babu), and little sister Divya (...See moreThe storyline revolves around Surya (Ajay Pradeep), a college dropout and good-for-nothing guy. Surya is from a middle-class family and lives with his father Ramakrishnan (Rajesh), mother Seetha (Fathima Babu), and little sister Divya (Thanalakshmi). Ramakrishnan advised Surya to be more responsible and find a job as quickly as possible. Surya, with a certificate on hand, decides to look for a job. One day, at a pedestrian crossing, Surya falls in love at first sight with a girl named Pooja (Preethi Varma). Surya starts hanging out with his friends in his lover's college. Surya tries to impress Pooja by acting like a hero and offering her gifts, but she refuses to accept his love. Pooja tells him that she does not believe in love marriage. Surya, with his parents, arranged a meeting at the groom's house, where he made a marriage proposal to Pooja. Pooja and her family agree to an arranged marriage. Surya and Pooja eventually get married. All of these events turn out to be Surya's imagination. At the pedestrian crossing, Surya is immersed in his dreams and gets hit by a car, so Gayathri (Preethi Varma) takes the seriously wounded Surya to the nearby hospital, and he is saved by the doctors. Afterwards, Surya starts the quest to find his lover Gayathri. Gayathri lives with her aunt Vasantha (Nalini), a ruthless loan shark who wants all of her wealth, and her psychopath cousin Gaja (Babu), who wants to marry her. After the death of her parents, Gayathri found herself alone and became depressed. She needed the love of a person, so she runs away from her aunt's house. Thereafter, she tries to commit suicide by jumping off a cliff, but Surya, who passed through, saves her. Surya then reveals that he is crazy about her and wants to marry her. First completely disoriented, Gayathri finally accepts his proposal. Mad with rage, Vasantha and Gaja are looking for Gayathri. What transpires next forms the rest of the story. See less
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Edit Released
Updated Sep 14, 2007

Release date
Sep 14, 2007 (India)


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