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  • Children of the Lake (2009)
  • Not Rated
    93 min | Horror
Children of the Lake (2009)
Not Rated
93 min | Horror

Joanne and Nick - a smart young couple heading for thirty and making a paranormal way in the world. She talks to the dead, while he collects the valuables in the other rooms. They do it once too often; and they're on the run. They head ...See moreJoanne and Nick - a smart young couple heading for thirty and making a paranormal way in the world. She talks to the dead, while he collects the valuables in the other rooms. They do it once too often; and they're on the run. They head into the mountains. As night falls, their car breaks down, and they continue on foot. Not far away they discover a deserted house at the side of a hidden lake. There they take shelter for the night. But the house is not empty. Living there are an eccentric woman, Queenie, and a younger companion, Naiad. Our smart young couple think they're in control. They soon find out that they're not. Joanne thought she'd been faking her psychic powers. Now she finds they're real, and someone - or something - has plans for using them. Something supernatural is going on, and it becomes clear that Queenie and Naiad are fighting over the newcomers in a power struggle of their own. It's the longest 48 hours of their lives - and they're all wrong about how it ends, who is living, and who is not. Written by Ian Lewis See less
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Ian Lewis (written by)

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Updated Apr 10, 2019


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