Red Star's Honor's primary photo
  • Red Star's Honor (1911)
  • Short | Short, Western
Primary photo for Red Star's Honor
Red Star's Honor (1911)
Short | Short, Western

Red Star, an Indian brave, and Jim Johnston, a cowpuncher, become fast friends and vow eternal friendship. Their friendship is known to those on the ranch, who do not regard it as anything but a queer fancy on Jim's part. Like most white ...See moreRed Star, an Indian brave, and Jim Johnston, a cowpuncher, become fast friends and vow eternal friendship. Their friendship is known to those on the ranch, who do not regard it as anything but a queer fancy on Jim's part. Like most white men in the cow country, the ranchmen have no use for an Indian and Jim is like them except in his regard for Red Star. There is a mutual admiration between them that needs no explanation or analysis. On the ranch were many hands of many kinds: greasers, half-breeds, Chinamen, negroes and Indians. In a mixed crew of that kind there is sometimes danger and it requires a stout heart and an iron hand to rule them all in peace. The ranchman was a fearless man, but no man is proof against a coward's bullet. After a quarrel over a trivial sum a half-breed in a sullen, revengeful mood kills his employer from ambush and slinks away. Trouble begins to brew. The cowboys are determined that somebody shall suffer for the outrage, and it does not require very much evidence to convince them. In the absence of any apparent motive, they jump to the conclusion that it must have been Red Star because he was the last dark-skin to be seen around the spot of the murder. Red Star is seized and accused of the crime. It is more necessary for him to prove that he did not commit the crime than it is for the cowboys to prove that he did. At this point Jim Johnston intercedes in behalf of his friend Red Star. He delivers an eloquent plea for the man he believes is innocent. The cowboys listen respectfully, but Jim's argument cannot bring a dead man back to life and they decide to string Red Star up to a tree. Jim again pleads with his companions to allow the redskin an hour's leave to go and bid his squaw good-bye. He agrees to give himself as a hostage and to die at the rope's end if his Indian friend does not return. Jim's strong faith at this critical time impresses the cowboys that there must be something to the redman and decide to parole him an hour with the understanding that if he does not return Jim Johnston shall expiate the crime with his own life. Jim's faith is that strong in Red Star that he does not hesitate to stand responsible. On the way to his tepee, Red Star is waylaid and captured by the half-breed murderer, who has been taking in matters as an innocent bystander. He wants to hold the unfortunate Indian until the cowboy is hanged, thinking perhaps that will end the affair. In his plan he is frustrated by an Indian boy who witnessed the murder. This boy hastens to the tepee and informs Red Star's squaw how things are going. Together they proceed to where Red Star is bound and helpless. Releasing him, all three proceed to the scene of the intended lynching, where the intimidated boy tells of witnessing the crime and how he had been threatened into silence by the half-breed. Red Star is exonerated and all hands join in a still and determined hunt for the guilty man, who is captured and made to dance his last jig at the end of a rope. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less
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Edit Released
Updated Sep 23, 1911

Release date
Sep 23, 1911 (United States)


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