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  • Their Combination Suit (1913)
  • Short | Short, Comedy
Primary photo for Their Combination Suit
Their Combination Suit (1913)
Short | Short, Comedy

In their third floor back, Eddie and Lee are wondering how they can raise the wind. They see an advertisement in the paper: "Wanted: A private secretary, also a gardener." The "ad" bears the name of the wealthy Mrs. Van Cortlandt. The boys...See moreIn their third floor back, Eddie and Lee are wondering how they can raise the wind. They see an advertisement in the paper: "Wanted: A private secretary, also a gardener." The "ad" bears the name of the wealthy Mrs. Van Cortlandt. The boys count their spare change. They go to a clothing store and purchase one suit. It is all they can afford. They toss for possession. The suit goes to Eddie. It is clear that Eddie will wield the pen and Lee the back-breaking lawn mowers. They land the jobs, and Eddie and "our daughter" Louise make eyes at each other over the tea table while Lee and the maid strike up a little flirtation. Both boys make good progress with their love affairs if not with their duties. The time arrives when Lee insists upon his share of the suit, and gets it. He goes out and is seen by Louise talking to the maid. Louise thinks it is Eddie and is outraged at his duplicity. The following morning Eddie turns up for his duties with the one good suit on again. He is surprised at the scornful look Louise flashes at him. He is miserable and decides to quit. Lee and the maid decide to tell Louise the truth, and the difficulties being smoothed out, love resumes its normal course and all is joy and serenity. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less
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Edit Released
Updated Mar 24, 1913

Release date
Mar 24, 1913 (United States)


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