The Big White Chief's primary photo
  • The Big White Chief (1912)
  • Short | Short, Comedy
Primary photo for The Big White Chief
The Big White Chief (1912)
Short | Short, Comedy

Ranchman Davies is unable to find out which of his cowboys his daughter Eunice appears to be in love with. Foreman Osborne suggested that the ranchman disguise himself as an Indian, come to the ranch, where the foreman would engage him, ...See moreRanchman Davies is unable to find out which of his cowboys his daughter Eunice appears to be in love with. Foreman Osborne suggested that the ranchman disguise himself as an Indian, come to the ranch, where the foreman would engage him, and then being with the boys, he could quickly find out who is in love with his daughter and discharge him. Acting upon the suggestion, Davies hurried to the store, secured the best outfit he could, painted his face and started for the ranch, but in the meanwhile, Tom, her favorite cowboy, closely followed by Dick, his rival, had watched the old man put on his disguise, and hurried to the Indian encampment, where he bribed the Chief to capture the ranchman and hold him there until he could elope with Eunice. As soon as he had gone, Dick appeared, and, thinking to make himself a hero in Davies' eyes, be bribed the Chief to let him rescue the ranchman. On his way home, the Chief captured the old man and led him to the encampment. Tom in the meantime hurried to the ranch to advise Eunice to get ready to fly with him. The Chief then faithfully went through his part of the agreement to Dick, a mock war-dance around the ranchman frightened the ranchman nearly to death, then at a given signal, the Chief drew his braves away, and Dick crept up to release the old man. Away they ran, but upon Dick's firing his blank cartridges, not one brave as had been agreed at camp dropped dead, but every one including the Chief. Instantly Davies seized the gun to learn its magic, and Dick, knowing that he would now be found out, ran for his life. The Chief and braves saw him run and, thinking only of the money promised them, jumped up and hurried after him, soon catching him, securing the money and sending him on his way. In the meanwhile, the ranchman, disgusted and angry at his own fright, made his way to the ranch, arriving in time to send the waiting Tom running for his life, and take his daughter over his knee. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less
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Edit Released
Updated Dec 25, 1912

Release date
Dec 25, 1912 (United States)


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