When the Prison Doors Opened's primary photo
  • When the Prison Doors Opened (1913)
  • Short | Short, Drama
Primary photo for When the Prison Doors Opened
When the Prison Doors Opened (1913)
Short | Short, Drama

Sue Davis, on her discharge from jail for shoplifting, is taken in hand by a prominent member of a reform society, and given a ticket and money to go south and start life anew. On the same day, Tom Green is also released from prison, and ...See moreSue Davis, on her discharge from jail for shoplifting, is taken in hand by a prominent member of a reform society, and given a ticket and money to go south and start life anew. On the same day, Tom Green is also released from prison, and he too determines to travel southward and begin over again. Sue and Tom meet at the depot, form acquaintance on the train and become friends before the trip ends. On their arrival in the southern town, they promise each other to meet again. Tom starts work in a factory. Sue gets a position in a millinery store. They continue to see much of each other, until finally conclude to get married. One day, about a year after their marriage, Sue meets an old acquaintance on the street. She is frightened and decides not to recognize her. This angers the woman and she follows her home and insists that she shall pay her to keep silent regarding her past. She complies, in terror that her husband will find out that she has not always been an honest woman. Tom, a few days after, meets an old prison mate, who also blackmails him. Both Tom and Sue become unhappy, harassed always by the fear that the other will learn of his or her unworthiness. At last, desperate, they decide to tell each other, and mutually confessing, forgive and begin life once more, free from shadow of crime. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less
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Edit Released
Updated Nov 1, 1913

Release date
Nov 1, 1913 (United States)


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