Kowai Dowa translates to 'Scary Fairy Tales' is a television series set in modern day Japan. Each arc consists of 4 episodes roughly around 107min all together. Remember, although different than the fairy tales we grew up reading. It stays...See moreKowai Dowa translates to 'Scary Fairy Tales' is a television series set in modern day Japan. Each arc consists of 4 episodes roughly around 107min all together. Remember, although different than the fairy tales we grew up reading. It stays true to the overall allure of the lore. Accompanying it with many twists, dark undertones, and horror elements. This is definitely a series worth getting into! "Cinderella" "The Little Mermaid" "Alice In Wonderland" "The Ugly Duckling" "Rapunzel" "Thumbelina" Series began airing in Japan on TBS, in Color. Written by
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