Bull-Fight at Juarez, Mexico's primary photo
  • Bull-Fight at Juarez, Mexico (1904)
  • Short | Documentary, Short
Primary photo for Bull-Fight at Juarez, Mexico
Bull-Fight at Juarez, Mexico (1904)
Short | Documentary, Short

Just made by our operators at the big fight in old Mexico. The film is 600 feet long, and a thriller from start to finish. It is perfect photographically, and fully protected by copyright. All the exciting events in plain sight and very ...See moreJust made by our operators at the big fight in old Mexico. The film is 600 feet long, and a thriller from start to finish. It is perfect photographically, and fully protected by copyright. All the exciting events in plain sight and very close to the camera. One of the freaks of fortune that comes only once in a life time was responsible for our getting the most wonderful and vivid bull fight ever made on a motion picture film. Our operator was in Mexico, where he received the most flattering attentions from dignitaries of all sorts. When the big bull fight was announced for the week before Christmas he was invited to be the especial guest of the leading fighters and manager, and a substantial platform was erected from which a clear view of the entire ring was obtained. Every possible facility was offered for getting the finest picture ever made, and the result fully justified the elaborate preparations. The fight was the most exciting ever held on this continent and the most famous fighters under Castilian emblems were in the ring, fully alive to their opportunities. They maneuvered the fights so that all the exciting and bloody encounters were very close to the camera. They took chances in teasing and nagging the bulls that were foolhardy in the extreme. Everybody connected with the affair was spurred to the highest pitch to make the day one that will be talked about for years and years. And all for our benefit--for your benefit, if you please. Just think of it! Three of the fiercest and most vicious bulls ever taken into a bull ring, killed right before your eyes. Five or six horses disemboweled and killed in almost as many instants of time. Murderous charges and assaults of men and beasts by the enraged horned beasts. Nothing so fierce ever seen before. And all this caught on six hundred feet of film--just enough to make the most exciting and popular film ever thrown on a screen. You simply must have it, for the new bull fight will draw dollars for any exhibitor. This film absolutely shows with most wonderful fidelity even the expressions on the faces of the fighters, the snorts of rage of the bulls, the wild eyed rushes of the horses to get out of danger and the final thrust of the sword that ended the lives of the vicious, man-killing animals. Thrilling from start to finish and blood curdling enough for anybody. Just the thing for a show that needs a "thriller" to set people talking. A brand new subject and a perfect film. One that will get press notices enough to fill any theatre and one that will not disappoint. Don't waste time. This film will create a wonderful amount of talk. Get if before the rush and be one of the first in the field to coin easy money. Written by Selig Catalog See less
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Edit Released
Updated Dec 31, 1904

Release date
1904 (United States)


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