The Strange Signal's primary photo
  • The Strange Signal (1914)
  • Short | Short, Western
Primary photo for The Strange Signal
The Strange Signal (1914)
Short | Short, Western

Arthur ranks high in Dolly's affections until Walter, a stranger, meets and fascinates her. Willis, the father, finds a man laying in the street, apparently dead. When he returns with the sheriff the man is gone. Willis approves of Walter ...See moreArthur ranks high in Dolly's affections until Walter, a stranger, meets and fascinates her. Willis, the father, finds a man laying in the street, apparently dead. When he returns with the sheriff the man is gone. Willis approves of Walter as a suitor for his daughter. Knowing this, Dolly accepts his proposition that they be married quietly and then surprise Willis. For several days Willis has been bothered by a sun spot that has been flashed in his window. At first he imagined that Dolly was only playing a prank. She convinced him otherwise. Finally he informed the sheriff. At the minister's house, Walter finds that he has forgotten to provide himself with a ring, and leaves to purchase one. As Willis is talking to the sheriff the sun spot is flashed in his eyes. They finally discover its origin. In an old shanty they find Joe, a prisoner, guarded by Charlie, a crook. In Joe Willis recognizes the man he saw laying on the street. Walter returns with the ring. Joe seeing him entering the house recognizes him as his brother and runs after him, the others following. Dolly is surprised when she learns that Joe is Walter's brother. She tells the others that only that afternoon Walter has shown her a letter from a firm of attorneys to the effect that brother Joseph was presumably dead, as they had been unable to find any trace of him, and that according to the terms of his father's will should Joe not be found and the estate claimed by him by the first of July, that the estate would revert to Walter, The sheriff sees through the whole thing and tells Walter that he had better come along with him. Walter confesses that it was he who caused his brother to be kept a prisoner. Dolly's romance is of course shattered. To the faithful suitor Arthur, whom she rejected for Walter, she states that perhaps sometimes she will consider his proposal favorably. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less
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Edit Released
Updated Aug 23, 1914

Release date
Aug 23, 1914 (United States)


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