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  • Taking a Chance (1915)
  • Short | Short, Comedy
Taking a Chance (1915)
Short | Short, Comedy

With their funds entirely exhausted, Jerry and Hank are in a quandary to obtain further means of sustenance. They have tried several methods without success. Disconsolate, they wander to the town depot, arriving just as a troupe of Uncle ...See moreWith their funds entirely exhausted, Jerry and Hank are in a quandary to obtain further means of sustenance. They have tried several methods without success. Disconsolate, they wander to the town depot, arriving just as a troupe of Uncle Tom's Cabin players step from the train. Anxious to get business the company manager commissions Jerry to pass out heralds among the townspeople. The work is distasteful to Jerry, who decides that the heralds can be used to better advantage. He and Hank follow the actors to the hotel and with the heralds as credentials proclaim themselves as members of the troupe to the gullible hotel proprietor, who forthwith provides them with a meal. While Jerry and Hank are disporting themselves the manager enters, and looking at the register, inquires how Jerry and Hank's names happen to appear there as with his company. The light dawning upon him, the hotel man drags the impostors from the dining room. As they reach the desk another commotion is on. Little Eva and the Angel of Death quit and leave. Without the pair there can be no performance and to starve off such an event the manager hires Jerry and Hank to play the parts. After a lot of adventures Jerry and Hank arrive at the theater that night and are made up for their roles. Their make-up is funny, but their performance funnier and it ends up in a riot, with the audience, such as there is of it, egging them on. The other performers, angered because the show is broken up, start after the disturbers, who by this time have reached the street. In their queer garb they seek shelter in a house which is occupied by a spiritualistic medium and enter just as a séance is at its height. The spiritualists assume that Jerry and Hank are real spirits and bow their heads before them, while the medium stands triumphant at the head of the group. Then the illusion is spoiled, for the Uncle Tom actors have followed Jerry and Hank and enter at this moment. A merry time follows, but Jerry and Hank get out of the enemy's clutches and are last seen running full speed down the road. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less
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Edit Released
Updated Oct 15, 1915

Release date
Oct 15, 1915 (United States)


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