Cultivation is a captivating and hypnotic short film that deals with balance and power struggles in relationships that take place in a magical reality. The action revolves around a mysterious board game in which the winner receives three ...See moreCultivation is a captivating and hypnotic short film that deals with balance and power struggles in relationships that take place in a magical reality. The action revolves around a mysterious board game in which the winner receives three game pieces to do with whatever he or she pleases. The game pieces, if swallowed, produce cocoons that when cared for, become parallel with the caretaker's inner strength and confidence. As the cocoon grows, the cocoon's maker grows as well. A triangle of desire, jealousy and anger transpires among the three main characters as the first of the three game pieces begins the cycle of change, and the true power of the cocoons is unveiled. The triangular cycle erupts into a bloody climax when the nature of the game is realized at the brink of metamorphosis. Written by
Nathan Atkins
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