Claudia's primary photo
  • Claudia (1916)
  • Short | 10 min | Short, Comedy
Primary photo for Claudia
Claudia (1916)
Short | 10 min | Short, Comedy

Daniel Remington is in love with Sylvia Saunders, a young actress who is posing for him while he is painting her portrait as the Duchess of Gainesborough. She tells him that marriage is out of the question, as it would ruin her career. The...See moreDaniel Remington is in love with Sylvia Saunders, a young actress who is posing for him while he is painting her portrait as the Duchess of Gainesborough. She tells him that marriage is out of the question, as it would ruin her career. The scene then shifts to the street in front of the studio building where Scotti and Peter, two of Dan's chums, meet two young women, Claudia and Tabitha. They pick up their luggage and lead them into the studio. Dan greets Tabitha, who introduces her friend, Claudia. Sylvia is inclined to be jealous of Claudia until Dan explains that there is no need of an introduction, as she surely can be no other than his maiden aunt and cousin, Miss Claudia Knott, whom he has not seen since she was a little girl. Presently Billy McGee, a cub reporter, comes forward and is introduced to Claudia. An afternoon tea is improvised in the course of which Claudia pats Dan's hand affectionately, causing Sylvia to look daggers at her, and in a fit of jealousy, Sylvia puts on her furs and leaves the room. Later Billy conspires with the others during Dan's absence to arrange the studio for a wedding. He goes out and engages a minister for the occasion. The only difficulty is how to procure a license. Billy finally decides that he and Claudia will have to get a license in the name of Dan and Sylvia. While all this has been going on Dan and Sylvia have been reconciled and decide on an immediate marriage. They go to the county clerk's office and procure a license for that purpose. Bill and Claudia arrive shortly and request a license, substituting the name of Dan and Sylvia for their own. The town clerk, surmising that there is some joke under way, good-naturedly fills out the paper. Meanwhile Dan and Sylvia get married and drive to the studio building in a car intending to keep their marriage a secret for the present. In the studio, there is so much marriage in the air that Billy finds it difficult to suppress his inclination to propose marriage to Claudia. Everybody gets flustered when Billy announces from the window that Dan has just driven up with Sylvia in the car. Claudia runs up to Dan when he enters the studio and kisses him. Sylvia protests at this and tells Claudia to keep away, without betraying, however, that she has been married to Dan. Claudia has apparently tried to arouse Sylvia's jealousy with a purpose as she says to Sylvia. "Well, then, why don't you marry Dan?" Billy immediately brings forth the requisite license and produces the minister. Then without further ado, they place Sylvia and Dan side by side for the ceremony. The minister takes out his prayer book and asks Dan for the ring. Dan and Sylvia look very much embarrassed. Billy and Claudia come down all swelled up with the surprise they have sprung on them. The minister asks Dan if he will take Sylvia to be his lawful wedded wife, and receiving no response repeats the question. Then Dan puts up his hand, protesting that the ceremony must proceed no further, saying: "I can't do this because I have been married once already to-night." There is an expression of surprise on the faces of Scotti and Peter, while Billy and Claudia are simply non-plussed at the failure of their matrimonial experiment. As the others are congratulating Dan and Sylvia, Claudia turns to Billy and holding out the license to him she says: "Billy, you exchange that license tomorrow." This meets with Billy's approval and thus it's a case of "all's well that ends well." Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less
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Robert F. Hill (scenario)

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Edit Released
Updated May 21, 1916

Release date
May 21, 1916 (United States)


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