A Mistake in Typesetting's primary photo
  • A Mistake in Typesetting (1915)
  • Short | Short, Comedy
Primary photo for A Mistake in Typesetting
A Mistake in Typesetting (1915)
Short | Short, Comedy

Mark Pelham and Mulvina Minchen courted and became engaged when they were young, then quarreled over some trifle and parted. Now Mark is a well-to-do bachelor, and she is a spinster living on a very small income. Her one companion is Fido,...See moreMark Pelham and Mulvina Minchen courted and became engaged when they were young, then quarreled over some trifle and parted. Now Mark is a well-to-do bachelor, and she is a spinster living on a very small income. Her one companion is Fido, a little dog who barks and yaps at all hours, until her landlady informs her that she must either get rid of the dog or they can both get out. Mulvina sadly puts an ad in the paper hoping that some kind person will see it and undertake the care of Fido. Mrs. Murphy, a hardworking Irish widow, is unable to care for her late daughter's child and advertises for someone to adopt it. Mulvina lives at 298 W. 65th Street and Mrs. Murphy at 298 E. 65th Street. Harry Bates, the typesetter, his head full of his girl Jessie, blunderingly makes the baby ad read W. and the dog ad read E. Mr. Jamieson, a kindhearted man, sees the dog ad and tells his wife he will investigate. Knowing his easygoing nature, she follows him to see he does not get stuck with some miserable mongrel. Mark Pulham spies the baby ad and resolves to adopt it. Jamieson arrives at Mrs. Murphy's, and the good woman places the baby in his arms, to his great astonishment. Mrs. Jamieson sees this; horrified, she fears the worst. Meanwhile, Pulham calls on Mulvina, and after a joyful reunion, offers to care for her and her child, supposing her to be a widow. She is naturally indignant and the poor fellow gets in very wrong. However, after Mrs. Jamieson arrives, explanations clear up matters. Mark gives Mrs. Murphy a position as housekeeper, allowing her to keep her little grandchild, while Mulvina, now his wife, shares her husband's affection with Fido. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less
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W.A. Tremayne (scenario)

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Edit Released
Updated Jun 18, 1915

Release date
Jun 18, 1915 (United States)


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There was an issue loading this tab.
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