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See trending insights with MOVIEmeter and STARmeter

Heart Eyes

1. Heart Eyes

US Gross
Dog Man

2. Dog Man

US Gross
Love Hurts

3. Love Hurts

US Gross
Mufasa: The Lion King

4. Mufasa: The Lion King

US Gross
One of Them Days

5. One of Them Days

US Gross

1. Severance

1 this week


2. Paradise

2 this week

The Night Agent

3. The Night Agent

2 this week

The Fantastic Four

4. The Fantastic Four

330 this week

Jurassic World Rebirth

5. Jurassic World Rebirth

93 this week

Vanessa Kirby

1. Vanessa Kirby

187 this week

Britt Lower

2. Britt Lower

1 this week

Joseph Quinn

3. Joseph Quinn

57 this week

Sophie Thatcher

4. Sophie Thatcher

6 this week

Margaret Qualley

5. Margaret Qualley

2 this week

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