Jocelyn Dooley's primary photo
  • Snapped Jocelyn Dooley (Season 7, Episode 9)
  • TV Episode | 43 min | Documentary, Crime


Jocelyn Dooley (Season 7, Episode 9)
TV Episode | 43 min | Documentary, Crime

In the early morning hours of June 6, 2001, 36-year-old casino employee Vol Dooley slipped out the back door of a Shreveport nightclub; it would be the last time he was seen alive in public. The son of a popular former parish sheriff, Vol ...See moreIn the early morning hours of June 6, 2001, 36-year-old casino employee Vol Dooley slipped out the back door of a Shreveport nightclub; it would be the last time he was seen alive in public. The son of a popular former parish sheriff, Vol was trying to avoid trouble with his estranged wife Jocelyn, who had been following him from club to club all evening. After four years and two kids, the Dooleys' marriage was a signature away from being dissolved, but 31-year-old Jocelyn couldn't seem to let Vol go. Their divorce should have been finalized a year earlier, but Jocelyn kept missing the court dates. That didn't stop her from getting a new boyfriend, a local bartender named Jeff Kosden. In fact, the day before Vol's disappearance, she and Kosden applied for a marriage license. And Jocelyn didn't seem to miss Vol after his disappearance - it was his family who reported him missing. Tracing Vol's last movements, police quickly discovered that Jocelyn was one of the last people to see and speak to him. When she was questioned, Jocelyn didn't deny it, and she even volunteered that she had tried to call him on her cell after leaving the club, but couldn't reach him. Detectives discovered Vol's truck in a neighboring parish, but found no trace of the missing man. The first break in the case came two weeks later, when one of Jocelyn's friends confessed that she had helped Jocelyn and Kosden get rid of Vol's body. The friend then led police to the burial site. Both Jocelyn and Kosden were arrested on second-degree murder charges, but when Kosden heard that Jocelyn had met another man, he agreed to testify against her in exchange for a lesser charge. At Jocelyn's trial, both her friend and former fiancé testified against her, describing in detail how she had called them in the wee hours of the morning, claiming she had shot Vol and needed their help. Jocelyn's defense claimed the friend was mentally ill, and Kosden was only testifying to get himself off the hook. Furthermore, according to the defense, forensic evidence pointed in another direction. A tissue with another woman's blood had been found at the crime scene. However, the prosecution pointed out that the blood belonged to Vol's teenage daughter, who was with her mother the night Vol disappeared. They also pointed out that, according to cell phone records, Jocelyn had lied to police when she said she called Vol the night of his disappearance. When Jocelyn took the stand in her own defense, she told the jury that she was innocent, and that she and Vol were actually reconciling when he disappeared. The jurors didn't buy it - it took only two hours for them to return with a guilty verdict. Jocelyn was sentenced to life without parole, and an additional 40 years for obstruction of justice. Written by Anonymous See less
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Edit Released
Updated Jun 18, 2009

Release date
Jun 18, 2009 (United States)


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