Polly at the Ranch's primary photo
  • Polly at the Ranch (1913)
  • Short | Short, Comedy, Western
Primary photo for Polly at the Ranch
Polly at the Ranch (1913)
Short | Short, Comedy, Western

"Here she comes in an automobile, and she's a hummer, too!" This is the simultaneous exclamation of Art and Jim when Polly arrives at the ranch. Bob, a good-natured, bashful cowpuncher, is confused when Polly goes directly over to him and ...See more"Here she comes in an automobile, and she's a hummer, too!" This is the simultaneous exclamation of Art and Jim when Polly arrives at the ranch. Bob, a good-natured, bashful cowpuncher, is confused when Polly goes directly over to him and asks him to carry her suitcase and escort her to her uncle's house. Bob is all confusion and hides behind a bale of hay. Art and Jim are highly amused at Bob's embarrassment, but they are not at all displeased; they think the coast is left clear for them in getting better acquainted with Polly. They go to the shack, spruce up a bit, and start out to meet Polly. She ignores them and says she would like to know Bob better. They tell her she can find him at the shack. She goes to see him, and when she enters the door he jumps out of the window. She jumps after him and follows him. He runs to the watering tub, around which she chases him, very much enjoying his discomfiture. When she comes very near catching him he starts for a haystack, in which he hides. He sees her coming and starts to run around the stack, pursued by Polly. She climbs to the top of the stack and jumps down directly in front of the place where he is hiding. Art and Jim appear and have a good laugh at him. He makes a bolt for his shack. Polly peeps in the door and Bob again escapes through the window, hiding in the barn. Polly meets Art and Jim; she takes one of their revolvers out of its holster and tells them she is about to practice sharpshooting. She goes to the barn and places a mark on the barn door. Bob, who has seen her coming, crouches behind the door. She shoots at the mark; the bullet goes through the door and pierces Bob's leg. He screams with pain. Polly is distressed to find she has wounded him, and assists him to her uncle's house. She nurses him with much tenderness, reads to him during the tedious hours, and in every way tries to make him comfortable. Art and Jim peep through the window, see her smoothing his forehead, and become furiously jealous. Polly's vacation has ended. Before leaving the ranch she comes to bid Bob good-bye. She looks into his face; it is too much for Bob, who throws aside his crutches and clasps her in his arms. He proposes to her and she accepts. Bob tells her uncle. He congratulates Bob and Polly, tells them to jump in the machine and get to the parson's as quick as they like. Not needing a second invitation, they jump into the auto and are well on their way. Written by Moving Picture World synopsis See less
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William E. Wing (scenario)

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Edit Released
Updated Feb 15, 1913

Release date
Feb 15, 1913 (United States)


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4 cast members
Name Known for
Fred Burns
Bashful Bob Bashful Bob   See fewer
Patricia Palmer
Polly (as Marguerite Gibson) Polly (as Marguerite Gibson)   See fewer
Harry Ward
Art - A Cowboy Art - A Cowboy   See fewer
J. Edwin Brown
Jim - A Cowboy (as Jim Brown) Jim - A Cowboy (as Jim Brown)   See fewer
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